Sunday 15 April 2018
During the Eastern Area Dan Grading, Stowmarket Club Chairman Michael Birch was presented with his 3rd Dan by National Promotions and Gradings Manager Dave Horton-Jones 7thDan.

Michael Birch receives his 3rd Dan from Dave Horton-Jones
Mick was last promoted to competitive 2nd Dan back in 1999
18 years later – and at the age of 73 – this was a promotion well deserved.
Mick has not been idle in the 18 years since his last promotion and despite major heart surgery has medalled at National Masters events and coaches at Stowmarket Judo Club.
He still attends area events and coach revalidation sessions and was an active judoka at Ipswich Judo club displaying his skills and tenacity to the younger generation of judoka.
Well done Mick!!